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Tarleton Gillespie

Tarleton Gillespie is an associate professor in the Department of Communication and the Department of Information Science at Cornell University, with an affiliation with the Department of Science and Technology Studies. He is the author of Wired Shut: Copyright and the Shape of Digital Culture (MIT Press, 2007) and the co-editor of Media Technologies: Essays on Communication, Materiality, and Society (MIT Press, 2014, with Pablo Boczkowski and Kirsten Foot). His research areas include information policy (particularly freedom of expression and copyright); the relationship between the digital industry and public discourse; and the turn to technical mechanisms of social control. His current research on the "politics of platforms" examines how content sharing platforms, mobile app providers, and social networking sites set and enforce norms and policies for appropriate content, through both community governance and algorithmic curation; and new work on "algorithmic publics" asks how algorithmic measures of aggregate user activity, presented back to users as part of information tools, shapes their understanding of the public with which they are participating. He also co-curates the blog Culture Digitally <> with Hector Postigo.