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Jonathan Lukens

Visiting Professor
ISTCS Alum / Site lurker. Currently Visiting at UTK school of Art.
Within ISTC-Social, I began ongoing work analyzing the design and use of software and hardware in facilitating fresh food traceability systems, and revealing the role of computation in changing human relationships to agriculture as a large socio technical system. My work couples design and the humanities to investigate sociotechnical problems. I employ design as a means of understanding and explaining relationships beyond the visual. This includes revealing and assessing design’s role in modulating lived experience.
PhD Digital Media @Gatech 2013, where I focused my attention on DIY infrastructure, a new area of Design in which individuals and small groups are building alternative infrastructural systems and modifying or hacking existing ones. These projects reveal the way that our lives are regulated by the design of technical systems, explore their social components, and highlight the role of design in technological transitions.