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Bruno Nadeau

Bruno Nadeau is an interaction designer with a special interest for technologies to tinker with, unusual interactive interface, and digital typography. He co-founded Wyld Collective, an independent interaction design/research consultancy as another avenue to explore interactive systems, and Fabule, a company developing open home furnishing to seduce people into letting their inner maker shine. He is Research Associate at Obx Labs, Concordia University in Montréal, where he indulges, knee deep in digital typography, probing the many facets of digital text. His publications were presented as part of international conferences such as Digital Arts and Culture (DAC) and Tangible and Embedded Interactions (TEI). Bruno received a M.S. in Information and Computer Sciences with a concentration in Arts, Computation and Engineering (ACE) from UC Irvine, and holds a B.Sc. with a major in Computations Arts from Concordia University in Montréal.