Saturday, March 14, 2015 to Wednesday, March 18, 2015
CSCW is the premier venue for presenting research in the design and use of technologies that affect groups, organizations, communities, and networks. Bringing together top researchers and practitioners from academia and industry who are interested in the area of social computing.The following ISTC related papers will be presented at CSCW 2015:
Keegan, B. C. & Brubaker, J. R. ‘Is’ to ‘Was’: Coordination and Commemoration on Posthumous Wikipedia Biographies.
Haimson, O., Brubaker, J. R., Dombrowski, L., Hayes, G. R. Disclosure, Stress, and Support During Gender Transition on Facebook.
Morgan G. Ames, Daniela K. Rosner, Ingrid Erickson. Worship, Faith, and Evangelism: Religion as an Ideological Lens for Engineering Worlds.
Ringland, K. E., Wolf, C. T., Dombrowski, L., & Hayes, G. R. (2015). Making “Safe”: Community-Centered Practices in a Virtual World Dedicated to Children with Autism.
Melissa Mazmanian, Ingrid Erickson, and Ellie Harmon. (to appear) “Circumscribed time and porous time: Logics as a way of studying temporality”
Le Dantec, C. A., Fox, S. Strangers at the Gate: Gaining Access, Building Rapport, and Co-Constructing Community-Based Research.
Le Dantec, C. A, Asad, M., Misra, A., Watkins, K. Planning with Crowdsourced Data: Rhetoric and Representation in Transportation Planning.
Asad, M. & Le Dantec, C. A. Illegitimate Civic Participation: Supporting ICT Use on the Ground. To appear CSCW 2015.
The ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems is the premier international conference of Human-Computer Interaction.
CHI 2014 is a celebration of the conference's one of a kind diversity; from the broad range of backgrounds of its attendees, to the diverse spectrum of communities and fields which the conference and its research have an impact on. CHI 2014 will take place at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre in Toronto, Canada, a city itself known for its one of a kind cultural diversity.
CHI 2014 is undertaking a set of 14 changes that will provide a new shape for the conference. They include multiple evolutions such as moving from Teaching to Education, from Madness to Wiseness, balancing academia and practitioners ... find the details here
Join us at CHI 2014 in Toronto and prepare yourself for a one of a CHInd experience!
The ISTC-Social all-hands meeting is an annual opportunity to bring all the researchers affiliated with the center together for three days of discussion and interaction face to face. Our first meeting, May 20-22, took place just under a year after the ISTC was initiated, and provided all ISTC participants to interact with theme sponsors, present current research, and make plans for the future. The All-hands retreat was hosted by UC Irvine and the ISTC and brought together more than 70 academics and Intel researches from all over the nation.
Algorithms are increasingly invoked as powerful entities that control, govern, sort, regulate, and shape everything from financial trades to news media. Nevertheless, the nature and implications of such orderings are far from clear. What exactly is it that algorithms “govern”? What is the role attributed to “algorithms” in these arguments? Can we turn the “problem of algorithms” into an object of productive inquiry?
This conference sets out to explore the recent rise of algorithms as an object of interest in scholarship, policy, and practice beyond computer science. Taking a fresh view on the current wave of interest in this topic, we aim to discuss themes such as:
* the very idea of “algorithms” as a subject and object of analysis * issues of methodology and the kind of knowledge claims that come with algorithms * the rhetoric of problems and solutions, success and failure * questions of agency, accountability, and automation * secrecy, obscurity, inscrutability * rules, regulations, resistance
Speakers include: Lucas Introna, Tarleton Gillespie, Paul Dourish, Evgeny Morozov, Daniel Neyland, Frank Pasquale, Claudia Perlich, Robert Tarjan as well as Mike Annany, Kate Crawford, Lisa Gitelman, Moritz Hardt, Matthew Jones, Karrie Karahalios, and Martha Poon.