CSCW is the premier venue for presenting research in the design and use of technologies that affect groups, organizations, communities, and networks. Bringing together top researchers and practitioners from academia and industry who are interested in the area of social computing.The following ISTC related papers will be presented at CSCW 2015:
Keegan, B. C. & Brubaker, J. R. ‘Is’ to ‘Was’: Coordination and Commemoration on Posthumous Wikipedia Biographies.
Haimson, O., Brubaker, J. R., Dombrowski, L., Hayes, G. R. Disclosure, Stress, and Support During Gender Transition on Facebook.
Morgan G. Ames, Daniela K. Rosner, Ingrid Erickson. Worship, Faith, and Evangelism: Religion as an Ideological Lens for Engineering Worlds.
Ringland, K. E., Wolf, C. T., Dombrowski, L., & Hayes, G. R. (2015). Making “Safe”: Community-Centered Practices in a Virtual World Dedicated to Children with Autism.
Melissa Mazmanian, Ingrid Erickson, and Ellie Harmon. (to appear) “Circumscribed time and porous time: Logics as a way of studying temporality”
Le Dantec, C. A., Fox, S. Strangers at the Gate: Gaining Access, Building Rapport, and Co-Constructing Community-Based Research.
Le Dantec, C. A, Asad, M., Misra, A., Watkins, K. Planning with Crowdsourced Data: Rhetoric and Representation in Transportation Planning.
Asad, M. & Le Dantec, C. A. Illegitimate Civic Participation: Supporting ICT Use on the Ground. To appear CSCW 2015.
Saturday, March 14, 2015 to Wednesday, March 18, 2015